Daily Temporary and Part Time Jobs in Singapore

Focus Group Discussion ($100 incentive)

by The Jobs Portal | Saturday, January 30, 2010 |

Dear all,

Have a 2hours focus group discussion for females age 22-24 years old who smoke. This FGD spans from 22nd to 26th February with a few timings - which group you qualify on would be dependent on your answers. Incentive of $100 cash will be given after the 2-hours FGD.

Also for this project, successful respondents would have to complete a 7-days diary task before the groups. And should your name be submitted for screening, the phone screening would take about 15-20 minutes to complete (significantly longer than the usual 5-10mins screening process).

If interested, do revert with your responses to the following questions to acusticowork@hotmail.com, with title of email as "COO - 2/4/7/9/12":

1. What is your current occupation (student/self-employed/professionals, etc):
2. Do you smoke menthol cigarettes regularly?
3. If yes, please list the brand names:
4. For how long have you been smoking the menthol variant of the cigarette?
5. What other brands and variant of cigarettes do you smoke?
6. Is English your main mode of communication?
7. In your opinion - do you have a good understanding of tobacco and menthol taste?
8. In your opinion - do you lead a fairly active lifestyle?
9. Leave me with your name, age (birth month and year), contact number, mobile service provider, email address, and i/c number:

Please note again that phone screening process would take approx 15-20 minutes and if you qualify for the groups, you would have to complete a 7-days diary task prior to the groups.

Will revert to all new respondents. For respondents already in my database, have sent out an earlier email to both males and females (but severely short of female respondents, have sufficient male respondents).


Please quote The Jobs Portal when applying. Thank you!

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