Daily Temporary and Part Time Jobs in Singapore

Event Assistant (Flexible part-time)

by The Jobs Portal | Tuesday, May 08, 2012 |

Job description:
Provide assistance to ensure smooth outdoor/indoor game event execution. Simple job. Get paid to play!

- No office politics or whatsoever. We are all friends!
- No minimum hours. Event dates & details will be posted and you get to choose when you want to work.
- No experience required. Training provided.
- Welcome students with flexible schedule, especially those in private school.
- Unemployed personal are also welcome!
- Preferred age below 26.

Must be:
- Sporting, able to run. (no need to be super fit, just medically clear to run)
- Not shy in front of a group of people.
- Respectful, well-mannered, open-minded & cheerful.
- Good sense of punctuality.
- Able to speak English.
- Singaporean / PR.

Interested parties please EMAIL your name, gender, age and recent photo to chaebolevents@gmail.com

We welcome group application too! Meaning you can apply together with your friends and get to work together.

More details will be directed to your e-mail if you are selected.

As posted on Temp Jobs Portal - Daily Temporary and Part Time Jobs in Singapore

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